We have a Family Verse and a Family Vision....
I have wrestled with my laziness in memorizing the Word. I used to have whole chapters memorized...then Google and search engines in Bible aps on ipads entered my world....and I became lazy.
Memorizing is hard for me. I spent all of 2012 thinking about joining Ann Voskamp as her family memorized the Sermon on the Mount.
I've spent weeks trying to decide which passage I would tackle and KNOWING I needed to commit to worshiping Abba with my mind through memorizing. I considered attempting one chapter - Romans 12. I thought of Sermon on the Mount or James (both books I've taught so often I have chunks sort of memorized). I contemplated memorizing a Pauline epistle or I John.
With a growing awareness that I needed accountability or I would spend the rest of the 2013 debating which passage would be most meaningful to hide in my heart/head, I tossed my dilemma out to the family on the way to Sunday School.
Michael's all time favorite book of the Bible is I John - I think - he is pretty partial to Romans too. Anyway - he jumped on I John....and I slyly asked, "Will you join me if I do I John?"
I first fell in love with Michael as he helped me memorize Acts 2 for Church History all those years ago....HE memorizes EASILY. . . He agreed....
105 verses.....2 -3 verses a week....this is doable. Arielle and Nolan are joining Michael and I. Zander and Stacia will continue to focus on their AWANA verses.
The birth of a Family Project! ::snort:: I planned on making all the little helps Ann has for whatever passage I memorized. Michael admonished me to spend my time memorizing rather than organizing this project....and so I got out a little notebook which I can carry with me for review and began writing I John...a few verses at a time...a week at a time....we can do this.
I couldn't fit all 3 of this week's verses on the board in the living room - I may finally erase Arielle's "Wall" in the kitchen. She is o.k. with that if she gets a real Facebook account.
How about you? Is memorizing easy or hard? Do you have tricks which help you? Will you keep me accountable to this project?
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...