Joyful Thoughts
1. The church gathered - always a time for joy.
2. My man and boys were on hand to sweep the snake right out of our chapel
3. Sunday diner and NAP
The past week must have left me sleep deprived. I slept 10 hours last night (I usually get 5 - 6 hours) AND I took a LONG nap this afternoon. I am not made to be out of the home every morning. LOL
Have you heard the rumor? We're snake handlers at Beale chapel. Yep. We are. I may NEVER unlock the buildings alone again. ::snort:: It seems this fellow found his way under a door? He was in the storage area off the "sanctuary." I was SO happy Michael was right there...and yes, he swept the serpent out of the sanctuary - while I helpfully screeched, "I always KNEW it would come down to snake handling in the church."
Now the little guy was also a spiritual word picture for a few of us. We've been involved in some spiritual warfare and watching Michael chase the serpent out of the building is a great picture of what I believe is happening in another realm.
Sunday school and service were both good......Zander chose Lumberjacks Restaurant for lunch. I was happy it was NOT a buffet and that it was a new spot. I suspected portions would be bigger than average....they far exceeded my suspicions. This is ONE hamburger - The Redwood.
Yes, I DID say it was disgusting. I find it disgusting on many levels...size mostly. If you want to eat beef - I'm o.k. with that - but to eat what a whole family could eat in one sandwich is - yes, disgusting - and also enlightening as I watched others eat the whole thing....and fries.....There is a reason heart disease is a killer in America. Just saying. Nolan brought leftovers home. The perspective below shows the size a bit better.
If the other Gherkin males visit we will be sure to visit this spot and let them have a shot at being disgusting. LOL
Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...