Fifty-two years ago, today, Michael was born. Fifty years ago, today, my parents were married. This is a red-letter day. Both momentous events in our family history.
We began the day by decorating and wrapping gifts while Michael slept in. I also had a Skype with the PWOC Region's local presidents.
Michael got up, had breakfast, and we Skyped with my parents.
We headed for the beach.....We saw a lot of this.....
So close to a glass float...but alas...light bulbs of varying sizes! We did find some glass bottles and sea glass. I headed one way on the beach and thought I may have discovered an icthasaurus.....afterall, they DID find one in Japan. We had just studied it. Everyone finally convinced me it was a sea lion. Sad....but it was a hands on science lesson.
Michael chose Karinbas for lunch. We LOVE the Sweet and Sour Chicken and Cashew Chicken here....last time I ordered vegetables here there was a layer of ground pork with the veggies. Today, I found vegetable chop suey...It was quite good once I convinced myself the eggplant was not squid. I would really like to order some plain rice and veggies and mix it with the sauce from the cashew chicken or sweet and sour chicken...but all that "explaining" is too hard with the language barrier. ::snort::
Back at home we played Quelf! Some of us love it, some of us didn't like the randomness of the game....but it was fun to play together.
Fun game - though a bit challenging for Zander, who doesn't understand humor real well.
Stacia was SO EXCITED for presents! She could barely contain herself.
I had asked the kids repeatedly, "Does that say Dad?" and so as he opened gifts she said, "It says DAD!" She got him a chain to hang a garbage bag when you're traveling.
Zander got Michael a bomb (firecracker propelled) so he could deal with on the job stress. ::snort::
These totally cracked us up - and we'd not read the package until tonight.
I picked up an ipad Mini in Nashville...and he was TOTALLY surprised. I was worried he'd seen the expense on the credit card...and prepared to just act like I was hiding something I'd bought myself if he quizzed me...but he didn't see the expense and was surprised.
Arielle and Nolan made this yummy ice cream cake - I DID have a small slice. This was my first really off the wagon splurge since August 1st. I'm hoping it didn't reawake any monsters. LOL
Michael was able to connect with Mom G via skype tonight. All in all a very good day.
Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...