Friday, April 01, 2022

Pure Spring Randomness

 My oven gave out in October. A new one has been ordered. My base fridge went out. Say hello to my Alaskan outdoor fridge. It's out the back door. It WAS buried in a the weather warms, I'm sensing more urgency to fix the fridge. 

Spring flowers LOL 

The chickens are everywhere...

Pietro looks in the boys' window. 

After a TWO-YEAR BREAK Life Group began was so nice to meet with old and new "lifers."  A fun twist to the group are the young adults (youth) who join us. There is something good about mixing ages to share how to live this faith life. We've added dinner to the mix - which I loved. 

Our sweet bunny! Yes, I DO grab a few organic carrots for him - after all he gives us magic pellets for our garden. 

I gave the girls a treat too. I cored the apples. 

Before our most recent snow I had two garden beds peeking through their snow blanket.

Toilet Paper madness continues.

That's all folks...just a bit of randomness.