Look what I found when I was out walking one recent morning.....
Arboga Japanese Relocation Center - 1942....I'd not heard of this being part of the local history. I am trying to find out more. This is the one photo I found from the time period. It seems it was also called the "Marysville Detention Center." The description of the centers seems to be the same location so I think there was one and it was at this site.
Michael and I walked back so I could show him the sign - we enjoyed a nice sunset out there.
Why am I bringing this up? Because I feel this was a time in our history when our government acted very badly. I know there have been books written, but it seems there should be more of a museum/memorial telling this story. This is a small area - maybe there ARE museums and memorials somewhere - I'm going to look for them.
It seems to me if we ignore our history - we very often repeat it. There are some ugly things in our country's history. I sense "government" could act very badly again - because we are humans and we will not learn from mistakes we refuse to acknowledge.
Note - this find came after being chased by 3 dogs....so it was worth it to face the barking frenzy. LOL