Post by Michael
These towering Redwoods are only enhanced by such a lovely young woman as our Stacia has become.
Nolan showed his prowess at navigating a 15 passenger van through the sometimes tight confines of Howland Hill Rd. He did a great job. No dents, no dings, no errors. Well done!
Someday, we are going to take the time to count the rings on one of these fallen Rewoods, but not this one. It is just too small, and the rings are hard to see from about the hundred year mark to the center of the tree. Any where else, this would be a massively huge tree, but not here. Here it is smallish, at best.
Sitting on the top of the logs and looking out across the scenic beauty of Mill Creek. No takers on jumping in this day, though. The weather is beginning to change and the water is just a tad bit cooler than before. The view is amazing.
Guessing there may have been a barn or corral in this area for horses. Just guessing though. Will need to bring a metal detector the next time we come through.
For those who would like to hike along with us.