Mail call is always exciting. It is ESPECIALLY exciting on Christmas Eve Day. We LOVED receiving many more Christmas cards this year than typical. I'm actually motivated me to consider sending out a New Year's letter. certain letter interested Arielle more than any other....She's been waiting...not so patiently....
It finally arrived....."The PINK SLIP" from the Driver's Ed in the Box folks. She needs this pink slip, proving she has had classroom time, before she can take the DMV test for a driving PERMIT. I do believe CA is the hardest state to acquire a driver's license. I'm sure we'll be going down for the DMV test soon.
I meant to get a photo of all the kids in front of the Foothill Chapel's tree. It didn't happen, but I did snatch this one before the service.
Fine representatives of the Protestant and Catholic communities
We roped Krista into help ushering
We drove around and looked at some lights after the service. I was surprised how few nativities we saw.
We are still waiting for two gifts which were supposed to arrive "before Christmas." ::sigh::
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...