These are the days which cause me to realize I am nearing the end of my middle ages. ::snort::
I was out of the house at 0800. Stacia and I enjoyed breakfast and Bible study. We're going to have to figure out the girls' new schedules. It seems someone is always heading off to the college. I THINK no one has a class tomorrow... Anyway - we headed to Sophia's. We ran errands for an hour. We picked up Stacia's car from the church where we'd left it. I knew timing would be close and wasn't sure I would be going home as early as Stacia needed me to.
After errands we both got our LAST hair cut from Courtney. It is so hard to find someone to cut your hair when you move...took us four years! Which is why I had long, long hair. And now, two years after finding her she's moving out of state! Ugh.
Oh, and those are my new glasses. I don't LOVE them like I did my last pair, but they fit this year's budget much better than the old pair did, an added bonus is I see better. ::snort:: THIS pair was on the $9 rack at Walmart - but still cost $200 by the time they added bifocals and such.
I had about 20 minutes between haircuts and needing to be at BreZaak's. Pastor Scott caught me at the right moment, and we talked about some new technology. Bella had some dental work to get done - I stayed with Gideon, Annie and Jojo. A magical science supply package came from Rainbow Resources.
Bre came home and I left to drive across town to deliver 6 dozen eggs to my best egg customer. I took advantage of the time to do a bit of shopping. I headed home in time to say goodbye to Allie, and hello to Stacia before she headed off to Japanese.
Michael had an appointment to help with pain and mobility, he then ran some errands.
I fixed dinner, we ate...
I'm tired.
I'm done.