...If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. Mk8:34
Peter (said) "Behold, we have left everything and followed You." Jesus said, "Truly I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or farms for My sake and for the gospel's sake, but that he will receive a hundred times as much now in the present age...but many who are first will be last, and the last, first." Mk 10:28-31
Matthew portrays Jesus as the King. Have I bowed my knee to this King in every area of my life?
Mark portrays Jesus as a servant leader. He also gives a clear picture of discipleship by sharing a couple of incidences and illustrating clearly what it means to follow Jesus.
Requirements to be a disciple:
- deny self - subjugate the works, interests and enjoyment of self
- take up your cross - this can be defined as an "affliction endured as a trial of faith to conform us to the example of our crucified master." Dr. Zodhiates in the Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament.
- follow Jesus
- lose life for Jesus and the gospel
- leave everything
- there are rewards for following - both now and later - and they don't always look like rewards
- first will be last; last will be first - willing to live in the upside down kingdom
Follow (Strongs #190 - akoloutheo) abiding fellowship, to go with another....cleave to Jesus in believing trust and obedience, act according to His example, following denotes fellowship of faith and of life, outward fellowship can't continue without inward moral and spiritual fellowship, outwardly my life will resemble His and others will see a self-denying sharing of His cross.
I keep coming back to this word - follow. This concept of discipleship. I'm slowly learning as I listen to the Teacher.
- Discipleship is first inward before any outward attempts are authentic
- Discipleship is following 100% of the time - in the good times and the hard times
- Discipleship has both terrific costs and fantastic rewards
- Discipleship REQUIRES action - follow immediately, deny self, take up cross, leave....
Am I truly following Jesus? Or am I following a set of rules? A Bible study plan? A church program?
Am I subjugating my self-interest, desires and pleasures for His interests? I will often find obedience enjoyable, but obeying is not contingent on my understanding or pleasure.
Am I denying self or Jesus in my daily life? Am I denying self or Jesus as I walk out His work and boundaries in my life?
My heart is to surrender 100%, to follow completely - it is. I AM discovering this leaving everything is a growing revelation and can be quite difficult to walk out Monday - Saturday.
This is a song which I first discovered when preparing a workshop on Biblical Hospitality. I think it illustrates a vision of the importance of caring for the needs of strangers.....it's a song I keep singing lately as I read through the gospels. Follow You by Leeland and Brandon Heath
Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...