We had to leave at 0430 for base - Michael and I are feeling a bit old and tired. ::snort:: The kids don't have this problem but are graciously trying to keep the house quiet at night. One more day of Exercise.
I participated in a Skype this a.m. which brought encouragement, challenge and direction for the upcoming weeks.
Stacia and I joined a play group/Bible study on base this morning.
It was strange to enjoy a week and a half of SUMMER in Korea and come home to wind and rain. Today's weather was schizophrenic. Windy and rainy this a.m. - I started a yummy veggie soup in the crock pot. I cooked up some ground turkey and squash as "condiments" to be added at the table. ::snort:: Yes, we ARE eating down the pantry and we aren't ALL totally thrilled with the dinners coming forth. I was THRILLED to see most liked the soup without adding meat....winning them over one at a time. ::snort::
By this afternoon the boys were having the first rip-roaring water fight of the season.... I noticed they didn't entice the rest of the neighborhood kids to join the fun and I was happy they didn't force the participation of others. LOL
A few random closing thoughts:
Mr. Chef man - "vegetarian black bean wrap" does not mean "hamburger patty with black beans added." Just a thought..... ::snort::
Plane Days....sigh...yesterday Marvie, Ashley, Jim and Alex flew out of Misawa. Today we said goodbye to RayeJun and Jessica and their families....Matta ne. As Stacia said, "We're the LASSSST ones here." ::snort::
Four weeks until our plane day.
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...