We woke up to snow and fat, fluffy flakes continued all day long. It was a good day to stay inside....Yuuki agrees. Our snow dog likes to camp out on the heated floor in the entry way.
The kids aren't quite as "smart" as Yuuki and me.
I can safely say this is the first Snow Frog of the season.
Irony! Just last night Bre mentioned she thought I was an extrovert with introvert tendencies....works for me... ::snort:: In any event there was a moment today when I realized that everyone was outside! Michael was back at work and I was gloriously, completely and totally alone in my house....I prepared a cuppa tea and planned to sit and watch snow flakes....and just at that moment Arielle came in and asked if she could have some of the neighborhood girls come in.
They had planned a nail party!
They had a lot of fun with Arielle's new nail stamps...
Unfortunately, the fumes have given me my first raging headache since July....I should have just had a grilled cheese sandwich while they did their nails if I was going to have a headache anyway. ::snort::
Tonight's Clue.....
This stumped us. I thought it might be eggs in an egg carton. Turns out it was ACE....as in Toyota Ace....the little ones ran out and couldn't find it early in the hunt....so we assumed it wasn't out there...but it was. Nolan found the gift....He came inside and said, "Found it," as is our practice. We told him to go back out and bring it in - too cold to worry about each of us finding it. LOL
Hackey Sacks
Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...