1. We had a fantastic first week in our new facility - and numbers were even up by 30 - 40 people.
2. GREAT time eating and playing as a Protestant and Catholic parish after church services.
3. These kids serve the kingdom well - and that makes me smile.
Remember the stands Michael was working on last night? We had to take two cars to base today because both stands wouldn't fit in the van - with the seats out. ::snort::
This isn't blowing over....
Today was our first worship celebration in the new facility! It was great. We even had 30 - 40 new folks.....and live worship thanks to Aaron and Karina.
THIS is what happens when you tell a worship leader to "look holy" ::snort:: |
Ron always makes me smile.
Lee had a question about a passage he'd read. He asked Michael because he "knows everything about the Bible." Um....I caught the questionable moment on "film."
These two ladies give the BEST hugs....and are the girlfriends of Lee and Ron
After service the Catholic Parish came over the Campus and we had a joint block party. This was to celebrate the start of a new year of ministry for both parishes....and to enjoy our unity. This sort of cooperation and unity between churches is something I will miss when we retire.
Sweet Friends
More sweet friends
And more...
Arielle on bouncy house duty
Love this little man!
Her First Egg Race
I was so happy when Cheri motivated some men to move this to the library. We are ready for potlucks, PWOC/CWOC, et al
As "we" were moving the fridge Stacia raced up to ask Michael to dance with her in a dance off. He was preoccupied and a bit leery. She really wanted to dance...so I went and started with her and Michael came and danced with her too.
Look at that face! Certainly worthy missing a bit of work |
Shortly after this we put our noses to the grindstone and finished clean up so we could all go home. Nolan, Stacia and I went to the commissary. Michael, Arielle and Zander got gas and then had some stick shift practice...eventually we pulled up behind Arielle and the rest stopped on a hill. Eventually, we went around them. ::snort::
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...