It seemed to take us a long time to bust out of church this Sunday. Maybe the sun was simply calling loudly. In any event, after we were all ready to go, we went over to a local diner with a young family from church. They had been cruising while we watched Jess's bunny. It was fun to hear about their adventure over lunch. They came back to our home and collected their bunny.
Stacia left during our church service to go watch Little Buddy and Danny while Cory and Arielle were busy with a New Members class at their church. I received a text calling me to the river, and I knew I would go. GG wouldn't be able to navigate the way to the river...Michael was tired and happy to stay home with him. Allie opted to stay home as well. I went to the river!!!
Benny, Little Buddy, Arielle, Danny |
When I first arrived it was just Arielle, Stacia and Benny. Cory was resting at home with the 2-year-olds.
Stacia, Benny and Arielle |
It was fantastic to be able to sit in the warm sun after our long winter. BTW people who have grown up here have told me this winter DID really feel like it went on much longer than typical.
Me and Stacia |
Cory brought the little boys and things began to hop! For them. I'm Bachan. I don't have to chase little ones...I can soak up rays and smile at their antics while Cory and Arielle chase them. Sometimes I help. LOL
While we were lazing at the river, Jamin called. He was about to put the paddleboard in at a local lake and wanted to know if we wanted to join him. It would have been so fun, but we would have had to go home and then back out...which led Stacia and I to decide we need to put some towels, the paddleboard, and a kite in the back of the van.
Danny, Cory, Little Buddy |
Cory had to leave before we did as they were having baptisms at their church tonight. Stacia and I went home and joined the rest of the family for a bit of rest and screen time.
And...while it's not REALLY Summer yet, if I don't claim it now who knows...fall my descend and it is very warm! When one swaps out the winter survival gear for towels and paddleboard it's about as summer as it gets up here. LOL
If I needed any more proof of summer these photos sent from Larissa did it....