A story for future generations who will enjoy the story of Grandpa Zander or Grandpa Alex - who knows how he'll be known in the future......
We began to pray intentionally (as a family) for our new assignment last summer/fall.
Zander (10 then; 11 now) began to pray, "O Lord, let us have chickens at our next house."
Day after day, "I just want God to give us chickens at our next house."
"Lord, will you please make sure we can have chickens at our next house."
I knew I had to prepare Zander. Sometimes God doesn't answer prayers as we'd desire. In my adult wisdom, I KNEW this was one of those times. It is not be feasible for us to raise chickens. I shared the facts as I saw them, we are retiring in a couple of years and are not buying a house with land. I explained chickens are not allowed in base housing and we'd probably live in base housing. I pointed out if we didn't live in base housing, we'd stay within our BAH and rent in a neighborhood where chickens are not welcome. He said he understood.
He wasn't rude. He understood my explanation about God answering prayers in the ways He knows to be the best. He seemed to surrender to the truth.
But still, day after day, "Dear Heavenly Lord, please give us a house with chickens."
God decided to teach a lesson other than the one I expected. Though I deemed this pray unfeasible; God proved He can see to it (Jehovah Jireh). He's the God who "opens His hand and satisfies the desires of every living thing." Ps 145:16. God said, "I can easily give this boy a home that can house chickens. Watch this. Now it's up to you." God showed off for us.
Before we began a look for housing at our un-desired assignment, He gave us a 3100 SF home on 6 acres of land - to rent. It will cost us the same as living on base (maybe a couple of hundred out of pocket for electricity).
Recently, Zander looks out the window at breakfast and says, "I can't believe in a few months, I'll look out the window and see 6 acres."
This morning Holy Spirit put the pieces together for me. I can be slow. We've been dazed, amazed and delighted at God's work on our behalf. We all prayed for a home which would be at least 4 bedrooms. God could have answered our prayers with a base house and we would have been content.
Zander was the only one who prayed a difficult prayer.
Zander was the only one who prayed the desires of his heart - an impractical prayer.
"Lord, will you please give us a house that can have chickens." A prayer which required a home in the country with a bit of space...at a price this Dave Ramsey family wouldn't balk at...and God saw to it...He provided....because a boy asked for a difficult, impractical, unfeasible desire.
I have no clue how to go about finding chickens or what to do with chickens. I no longer eat chickens and have no intention of learning how to wring their necks. I can see the benefits of our own fresh eggs.
I do believe God answered Zander's polite and persistent request which is why we have been so
delightfully blessed.
Chickens - who would have guessed?
Just now we're praying for the release of
Pastor Saeed and revival in Japan. It could happen....remember the chickens.
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...