Last year at the first MOPS meeting (she always gets the First meeting - I seem to be in the Feb Sex slot) Mary, fellow Mentor Mom, shared the top 10 things she would tell her Younger Pre-school Mom self. I was thrilled when she closed this year by sharing them again (this time without the charming stories). I've seen so many, "Letter to my younger self" and have though it may be fun to try....but MARY did it so well and I want to capture her thoughts. I found several of the points are appropriate regardless of the season of mothering you are in.
- It gets easier - at least physically.
- Make sure you find a place to be fed spiritually.
- Read the experts, talk to others - but trust yourself. YOU are the expert on your child.
- Do something that stays done more than 2 seconds (i.e. mow the lawn).
- Get affirmation for something you do outside your family.
- Recognize it's not your job to raise perfect children.
- Your child will not die of malnutrition.
- Let Dad be Dad, for the sake of your marriage and children. Only intervene if there is imminent danger of physical damage.
- Taking care of yourself - emotionally, spiritually, physically - is not selfish.
- Some days are a success if you just make it to the end with all alive.
Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...