Our "people er"anxiously counted down to arrival
The kids were most excited for this simple dessert (make cookies, smash ice cream in the middle, roll in mini chips,sprinkles or nuts - use your favorite recipes for cookies and ice cream. In the future I will make vegan cookies and cashew banana ice cream for the whole family. )
Huge help.....
We didn't get photos of everyone - but here are some glimpses of the night.
Val & Scotty |
Ch. B |
In addition to a good time to simply fellowship - this was our welcome for Brenner and Stephanie. They've joined our chapel staff in the past week. Their very first chaplain assignment.
Brenner & Stephanie |
Cynthia, Joretta and Barb |
Regan & Stacia |
John |
Nolan |
Lily |
Stephanie, Elise, Cole and Clara (or it could be Clara, Cole and Elise) |
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...