With the completion of THIS post I will be current! I vow not to get 1 week and 5 days behind again this summer.
Arielle is STILL worn out from our frantic week on Sunday. Check out the paint we can't remove.
It was "parent's week" today to pick the Sunday dinner location. I don't know why each child gets their own week and we get "parent's week," but that's what they told us. Michael wanted to try this spot. They DID have a Mongolian Grill where I had noodles and veggies grilled....and a salad bar and lots of fruit.
We found a few things surprising...the amounts of food folks took and the size of the diners. Nolan commented, "It's all our Japanese favorites in American portions." The kids did enjoy it. The boys and Stacia loved it. I'd prefer Cafe Yum - if we had some in CA.
We ended the night with a rousing game of Yahtzee.
It doesn't seem fair she won and she slept most the game away. It was way after bedtime by this time. LOL
The week also had a lot of PWOC "paperwork" - budgets, calendars and such that need to be done for an upcoming meeting....always Facebook.... We were surprised to find out the USAF is sending Michael to our denomination's conference; and I am tagging along. My boyfriend thinks I need some time away. I think I need some time with him.
The past couple of weeks have been difficult for our family. I won't share as it's not only my story. This I know...God is good - all the time. Life often stinks! Bad things happen which are simply not good in any sane person's reasoning. God is still good - even through pain and tears. He takes every incident given to Him and brings good from it - weaves it into a tapestry of grace which can be used for His kingdom in the future. His love endures. His mercy is new every morning.
I'm a bit overwhelmed when I realize ANOTHER week is starting and the past week took my breath away. I've not had time to recharge...and the week after this is VBS...the week after that Michael and I are flying to our denomination's pastor conference....the week after that is PWOC Board training/planning retreat....I MUST find time for self-care this week. Honestly, I've quit working out and started grabbing food on the run a lot the last few weeks. One thing God taught me "on the shelf" was to follow Him to freedom...and I must keep those boundaries in place with this new schedule. I think I can....I think I can...I know I can. I know He will still lead.
I should blog Today's activities - but I often blog in the a.m. and back date it 12 hours...so I'm going to quit being OCD and call this "caught up." Sleep. Self-care begins with sleep!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...