We took advantage of our surroundings to get a quick walk in and to introduce Millie to big dogs, horses, and trails.
We stopped by Animal Warehouse to buy an enclosure for the kennel. We can use this with bunnies and chickens when Millie no longer needs it, but maybe it will help with sleep tonight....we had a barriacade of boxes around the kennel last night. Why? Because Millie is a smart little thing and discovered if she lifts the dresser handles and lets them drop down they make a door-knocker effect and wake up Stacia. Our hope was she would stay in the kennel or be satisfied to stay in her booked in yard.....
She wasn't. She was so sad that Stacia ended up climbing inside the enclosure to sleep with her. She didn't want the rest of us to wake up. Both are very tired this a.m. We explained we all knew there would be some sleepless nights with a new puppy in the house and it was keeping her awake way more than us. Tonight, she is to sleep beside the enclosure if she wants, but not to get inside with Millie. This is sleep training. Both Stacia and Millie fell asleep on the way home.
Yes, tired puppy mama....but they've got the bonding thing down well.
Michael and Alex went out for their lunch Bible study together....
I spent a couple of hours in the garden. I weeded all the beds and the potato patch. Michael helped me tie up some very heavy tomato plants.
Dreaming of dill pickles....
I planted some squash and lettuce starts....my idea is that some spinach and kale are about ready to eat and I can replant with lettuce as we eat our way through a garden bed. We'll see if it works. LOL
Stacia and Millie are very careful about grooming. She loves the brushing and combing at this point. It's funny - she turns into a frizzy puff ball after we groom her....Stacia reports that's what happens when you brush curls. LOL Here she is getting her teeth brushed - or getting used to the process anyway.
Unfortunately, the missing piece of this day was my morning walk. I suspect I broke my toe, in any event a shoe isn't working....I'll try again tomorrow. We ended the night with pizza and Incredibles 2.
Our plans appear to be shifting again....we may or may not be gearing up for a camping trip. This was on the calendar as our 3rd summer getaway....it may yet end up being our first.