Joyful Thoughts
1. It wasn't pretty - but we SURVIVED this Monday.
2. Michael was able to teach an elusive math concept for me this evening.
3. Nolan requested PANCAKES for dinner. How great is THAT for Monday night?
This is one of those days that simply leaves a homeschooling Mom crawling to bed at 1800.
When a challenge is given to a child to "face the hard things head on," one must be prepared for some long days.
I was going to crawl up the stairs without blogging....and then I heard this exchange at the sewing machine and had to check....
Arielle - "Can you find a slightly larger Barbie?"
Stacia - "Arielle, I don't HAVE any American Barbies." ::snort:: :: gasp::
I guess large means American to Stacia.
Arielle is teaching Stacia how to make Barbie Maybe I won't have to learn to sew?
Just heard Stacia ask, "Can I make a Kimono, please?"
Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...