Protestant Children of the Chapel (PCOC) is the children's ministry of PWOC (Protestant WOMEN of the Chapel). In a bizarre twist, this fall, I KNEW God was telling me to invest in the youngest of our ministry rather than lead a study. This is my first break in teaching in over 20 years. And's not a break, as much a focus shift. The decrease in study prep time allows me time to dig deeper into a few areas which I'd been led. I'm totally AMAZED that I LOVE working with these guys! ::snort::
Today.....we learned God provided manna and quail for His people...and of course manna and quail can best be remembered by associating with cotton balls and feathers....since we had the time...we made the room....and had fun! Jaycob and Nolan magically spread manna and quail around the fellowship hall and the kids ran to gather it...again and again.
Although Stacia and Zander stayed home today, Zander was blessed too! Jaycob sent home a special gift. Nolan and I talked about what his reaction would be - and he didn't disappoint.
Mom...look, "You want a piece of me? Do you?" Boosh! Bushshshs! Hooya!
"Bring it! I'm Ogzog the THREE head!"
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...