"A song for every occasion and an occasion for every song." We LISTENED to this album on our drive to Shipwreck and never focused on it.....then today....Arielle was clicking through the ipod as I drove the kids to the dentist...."You've Had a Bad Day," "Praise you in This storm," - a melancholy lineup to match our somber mood....and then she clicked on this..... It is PERFECT for our PCS season.
We're still trying to decide which song is perfect for our Japan season....
I am a stone
Stuck here in the ground
Holding onto nothing
Is comfortable uncomfortable right now?
I was made for more
California, far from meAcross the desert to the sea
A million miles away to
Somewhere I don't know
Lift my feet from where I stand
Down the street to foreign land
Anywhere you lead me I will go
Before You now
But I'm not standing still
Move me now according to Your will
I am ready for...
California, far from me
Across the desert to the sea
A million miles away to
Somewhere I don't know
Lift my feet from where I stand
Down the street to foreign land
Anywhere you lead me I will go
I will trust in You
Wherever I am found
Send me somewhere, Lord
It's perfect...California, foreign lands, my season of stillness, our determination to follow Him in every area of our lives....
....and it's much more upbeat than the previous songs. LOL
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...