We had fun visitors to end the day! I'm glad the men were back and hadn't left yet to buy sewer hose at Wal-mart so Izaak could share this moment with Bella.
She seems a bit alarmed as she looks out the windshield of the RV
Dad's not worried - it must be fun (That'll preach)!
Mary Ellen had told us there is a good size bull moose that roams the area. We've not seen him.....but we were happy to see this little lady.
Then we noticed TWO.....they seemed to be the same size/age
Googly eye moose! ::snort:: |
This area of the yard werea horse pastures. We plan to till it under before winter (we'll see). The plans are for this to be our gardens and chicken run next year....but for now...it's lush, green, weeds....lots of nitrogen in these pastures - about two feet of manure worth. They stayed about 40 minutes.
This was a great ending to the day. CoRielle were out driving when I texted we had two moose in the yard. They saw a bull moose on their way home; but they said he was pretty small.