Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Do medications really expire?  Common sense and decades of cheapskate frugal-Ramsey living, has proven to us that most expiration dates can safely be stretched. Drugs do not all of a sudden quit working on the stroke of midnight, they don't become dangerous  the day they go "stale." 

I've had a hard time believing how stubborn my fever is being. I don't often get fevers. Because of my thyroid condition my normal temp are 1 - 1.5 degrees lower than "normal average" - regardless of my levothryoxin dosage. This means I can be SURE I'm feverish and I'm not. I sure wish we'd understood this when I was a kid ::snort:: ANYWAY - this week my fevers have been 100.2 which  I imagine is about what 101.6 would feel like to the rest of you. I don't usually take meds, but I wasn't loving this feeling. I've been taking  Tylenol around the clock while bemoaning the fate of my Uncle Bill - determined not to take enough to make me deathly ill..... and it's helped "a bit" - but I still have a fever. 

Oy vey. It may have not lost all potency at the stroke of midnight November 30, 2006....but by the stroke of midnight July 30, 2014 - it's lost some umph! ::snort::  I can't figure out HOW we have this bottle. I threw out or gave away all medicines when we left Japan and this was dated well before that....but there you have it. 

I have a bottle of Aleve (expires 2015) and I took a pill or two.....

So thankful for boys who went in to help with PCOC....and friends who will carry on just fine this a.m.....and a friend who will bring the boys home so they don't have to stay in until 8:00 p.m. Much for which to be thankful! 

Psssttttt.....I found comfort in the solidarity of being sick at the same time as the girls.....connected across the miles. LOL 

Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...