The day began with our traditional cinnamon roll breakfast.
We piled into the car and headed out to Farm Loop Christian Center, CoRielle's church. It is always fun to join them. We came home, had lunch and opened Christmas stockings. Basically the girls' and Michael had one or two things I'd found...but our shopping dates were curtailed by the storm which blew in. I fund this shirt for Michael, with the tags on, at a thrift store. LOL
I had bought this fun game for CoRiell's boys, but Arielle had told me had it already. I decided to keep it here to play when kids are over.... It's a hit with kids of all ages...
About 3:30 or so our home began to fill up. BreZaak were unable to make it as they've had quite a round of illness in their home. CyRi spent the day with her family. The noise level increased, the fun meter went through the roof.
Jamin is attacked by the paddle ball |
GG and the boys enjoyed hungry hungry dino |
Danny was intrigued by the sweet birthday cake |
It was fun to watch Danny come back to the cake again and again. He was fascinated.
Allie and Danny |
Benny let me know they do NOT have this game at home, and he would really like to have this game at home. I told him I thought I'd keep it for him to play with us when he visits. I happen to know I got another game to give the boys at some point this winter.
Egyptian Rat |

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Note Danny has the sound box from the "hot potato" |
Papa's Pony Express |
Danny took the soundbox out of the hot potato. He loved pushing it and dancing to it. I couldn't quite catch it all without also catching Little Buddy but here is what I got.
Listen to the big kids playing Egyptian Rat in the background.
About this time, we heard from BreZaak. Jojo had an accident and needed to get to the ER. One of their cars was snowed in and the other wouldn't start. We mobilized. We prayed. Cory drove Bre and Jojo to the ER. Michael eventually drove Arielle home to get the truck so she and the boys could go home. Jojo is fine. His hands are burned but he's o.k. He's so tough.
We haven't seen Larissa since October (or maybe it was early November). Little Noah has certainly grown in the time. It was so great to see her.
Larissa, Noah, Jared and Benny |
We settled down to watch a movie - trying to calm the little guys down...
Long day for Arielle |
And, this ended the first day of Christmas. It was a very full day...full of activity, emotion, chaos, memories, the unexpected - full of family - worship and wonder.