This evening Alaska went on lock down - though I haven't heard that TERM. We had mandate # 11"social distancing," which goes into effect at 5 p.m. on the 28th, and mandate # 12 "intrastate travel," which goes into effect tomorrow morning at 8:00.
Mandate 11 - Social Distancing
We are to stay home.
We no longer can congregate in any number,with anyone that doesn't LIVE with us...the previous mandate mentioned family...this one specifically says you must reside with anyone you are with...I have a lot of family that doesn't live with me.
We are only to leave our home to buy essential food, receive essential healthcare, or to exercise or recreate outside with 6 feet between us any anyone who doesn't live with us.
Non-essential businesses are closed.
There are words about reckless endangerment, fines and jail time.
Mandate 12 Intrastate Travel
All in-state travel between communities is prohibited. This means we can't go to Wasilla (shop), or Eagle River or Anchorage (see boys)....but since we aren't supposed to leave our home...I'm not sure this really matters. I do believe it is the teeth in the order to "stay home."
I quote, "
Personal travel is prohibited except as necessary to meet critical personal needs or work in critical infrastructure jobs. Critical personal needs include buying, selling, or delivering groceries and home goods; obtaining fuel for vehicles or residential needs; transporting family members for out-of-home care, essential health needs, or for purposes of child custody exchanges; receiving essential health care; providing essential health care to a family member; obtaining other important goods; and engaging in subsistence activities. "
We read the notices and then discussed what it will mean for us. The boys are still working for a business that is deemed essential. I am increasingly uneasy with their work situation. I think this will affect Arielle's job as the children she cares for are not children of parents whose work is deemed "essential." Cory will keep working as his job is essential. Izaak and Bre are already locked down and he hasn't been in to work. Krista will continue to work from home. Michael and Dad are on fixed incomes. I don't think Jamin will be able to do much real estate - but maybe? I 'm not sure about Josiah. They both work in the "housing" industry....and I know contractors, appliance repairmen etc are still considered essential. JaRissa have been working from home and will continue to do so.
Lowes will remain open - but is driving there for seeds and soil considered "important"? We have decided Krista and I will drive to Lowes and get that...because we are more determined than ever to start seedlings and plant when we can.
As far as that goes - will the "essential" drive throughs and hardware stores have the business to remain open....
Will Dad's paper still be delivered? I know that sounds trite...but he has been locked down since March 8th and he spends hours each day devouring the content in the paper. He doesn't do online.
These mandates will be re-evaluated on April 11th.