We are enjoying some lazy, sleepy days around here. There is a "bug" going around that seems to being with either mild sniffles or tiredness and aches and then proceeds to high temps. The girls have both been fighting it this week. Michael had a 24 - 48-hour bout with it. I'm taking my hippie pills and drinking my hippie teas and haven't caught anything. GG has been fine too. Nolan spends his days working or working on school, but we think he's fine. Alex was sick as well. Since there have been fevers and great hacking going on in our home, we are all staying at home so we don't spread the cheer. ::snort::
I used the unexpected slow day to try a new scone recipe. I got this one from Stacy. I compared it to the one I've been using (from my Misawa gals) and they were fairly close. Stacy's used no baking soda or cream of Tartar but more baking powder and twice the egg. It also had vanilla in it.
The verdict amongst my taste testers is the flavor and texture of Stacy's were great, but they were much flatter than my Misawa Gal scones. The only difference was the leavening, vanilla and an egg for 2 C or flour vs an egg for 4 C of flour. I think I'm going to try combining...the basic foundation of flour, sugar, butter and sour cream....but use the egg and Vanilla from Stephanies and the combination of soda and powder from mine and see if I can get them to rise higher. The difference could also be that I patted the dough too thin. LOL Ah well, I may try another batch tomorrow.
GG is NOT sick. This presents challenges when the rest of us want to rest and relax. LOL We eat around here, but we all tend to be of the "when you are hungry you get a meal" - which means we often feel like skipping a meal here or there. GG is of the "eat by the clock" mindset and we try to keep routines going...but it's truly amazing to all of us how much he eats. This is a standard breakfast.
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Yes, it's a slow day & I'm taking pics of GG's bfast |
Michael felt well enough to do some chores outside and bring in a new load of wood. We are hearing tales of another winter storm advisory for Sunday Afternoon - Monday Evening.
We were SAD to miss Colony Christmas AND Jared and Larissa's baby shower today. We had to postpone it to protect the healthy and Larissa and Baby Noah.
Krista called and had made it from Guam to Seattle to DC. That was a very long trip...made longer as the gal she was meeting and giving a ride to Lynchburg had a delayed flight. Krista ended up sleeping in her rental car and then the rental agency locked her into the lot so she couldn't leave until early the next a.m.
The girls, Michael and I made a choice today. The girls are improving but they and I were scheduled to fly to DC on Monday. Their fevers are gone or manageable. They both still look and sound sick. Stacia has a cough (like her grandmother and sister) that could cause riots on a plane. I don't show signs of getting sick, but if I catch this it would be while we are traveling. That wasn't the deciding factor...but adding it all together with the winter storm advisory at the time we are scheduled to fly....and Allie needing to get school done....we opted to cancel the trip. I spent hours unbooking flights, lodging, DC tours. One hotel is causing me trouble, and I plan to cancel my honors plan with them. I've not heard back from one tour but everything else is great. Alaskan Airlines gave us all our miles back and a cash credit to use for travel in the next year.
The girls (Allie and Stacia not the hens) spent the day resting, reading, working on a Christmas surprise, watching movies....