After church and its subsequent potluck, we had an hour before Allie needed to be at work. The girls and I have been looking for an opportunity to make it to Reflection Lake this fall. We were all in the car. Michael humored us and off we went. He and GG sat at the head of the trail, by the lake, and reflected. We zipped around the trail as fast as we could.
It was good we did this. I think there will be far fewer leaves in a couple of days. We ran into 4 or 5 groups of photographers with clients. Everyone was out catching the last of the colors. It feels like snow may arrive in a "couple" or "few" weeks.
It was a beautiful day after a meaningful weekend and we had to take a "funny" selfie. We took a serious one too.
We took a bit more time to process the words from the conference that each of us felt were "just for us."
Stacia has a knack for spotting rocks! She found this heart and had to show Allie and I where it was.
Ah, fall! We love fall!
And, I love doing life with these two young ladies.
We arrived back at the trailhead and Michael already had GG in the car. We hopped in and made it back to town and to Allie's work with minutes to spare. Perfect!