Warning: This post contains oodles of photos. I'm sorry if it's slow for your connection to load....I want them printed.
Krista, as Maid of Honor, pulled all the bridesmaids, Sherri, Lorri and my Mom together to pull off this event. She is a master at delegation. We all had our small parts. It was fun to see the many pieces come together to make a very nice bridal shower for BreAnne. Seventy women and some girls joined to bless BreAnne in this new role.
A bit of family trivia. My parents were married in the "old sanctuary" of this church when they were Bible College - fifty one years ago. Nearly thirty years ago Michael and I were married in the current sanctuary of this church. Michael served an internship at this church when he was in Bible College. BreAnne and Krista were both dedicated in this church. Friendships/ roots go deep here.
Mom and Dad were missionaries for decades. Michael and I have been in the military for eighteen years. There have been many life events and firsts which were celebrated alone, with our immediate family. There have been many birthdays in the past 18 years which hit after a PCS when we know no one. LOL I was very aware last night of the blessing of celebrating this season in BreAnne's life surrounded by family, in a location where we DO have family friends going back generations, as well as the new friends the girls have made.

I know five of BreAnne's seven bridesmaids. It was fun to meet the other two last night.....now I'm SURE I was introduced to Gaylene before but we hadn't had time to "bond" and cement those names. We did last night. She discovered I'm really fairly good at spotting someones talents and capitalizing on them. I told her I could discern she had the anointing of tulle and I promptly turned my job of hanging photos over to her. She did a great job (as you'll be able to see parts of her work in the photos where Bre is opening presents). I somehow neglected to get a photo of Ann and her girls.
These sisters worked hard to make this a special night for BreAnne!
Bridesmaid, Flower Girl, Maid of Honor |
Many years ago I babysat for our assistant pastors. Their son grew up to be on staff with our daughter at this church. They are back in town and wow - can Sue ever make pretty cakes and cupcakes! Aren't these lovely?
Mom and Bev. There are a few women who were constant in my life...in between four year mission stints etc. Mom and Dad were friends with Mike and Bev , Chuck and Kathy, Rich and Velma....and a couple of other couples who I haven't seen in a long time. Seeing these couples always makes this feel like I've come home. It was fun to have Bev, Velma, and Kathy at the shower. Mom and Bev check out the "naughty" gift Mom had bought for BreAnne and Izaak.
Mom & Bev |
Larry and Judy are another couple who have played a big role in our lives. Larry was a professor at the Bible college when we attended. Judy was the "receptionist," but I believe her true role was to offer smiles and encouragement to students. They were still at
New Hope Christian College when the girls attended. It was fun to see Judy too.
BreAnne & Judy |
Chelsea and Bre |
Krista attends another church in town. BreAnne attended there as well for a few months several years ago. It was fun to see some of those women at the shower. Below are Cindy and Talina - from Krista's adopted family here in Eugene.
We were able to set tea cups at each spot from Mom's teacup collection. What an amazing thing that she can remember where each of the cups come from. A trait I do not have. Most of the tea pots used were Mom's as well. This front table are the women from Lively Stone.
Group Shot - Ann Bridesmaid - blue back |
Velma is here in the left front in purple....and at the head of the table...my all-time favorite (and toughest) English professor - Ms. K....I believe the girls would say she is also their all-time favorite (and toughest) English professor. She also is a great mentor for them.
Donna (another bridesmaid) was in charge of the BreAnne trivia game. Arielle (sister) and Mikayla (a mentee of Bre's) tied. I knew Arielle would have an unfair advantage with the tie breaker question so they did rock, paper, scissors.
I was asked to share a bit of marriage wisdom and to pray a blessing over BreAnne. Krista wanted this to be a celebration of BreAnne and Izaak and a time of women in the faith blessing BreAnne as she enters this new role.
BreAnne takes my advice very seriously as you can see! ::grin::
This was such a special moment when I asked the women to gather around and pray with me.
I love this photo...my daughter, my mother's hand on her shoulder, a young gals hand on her shoulder and mine on her back.
Gift time...Donna, BreAnne and I worked out a system
I seriously explained she would have one child for every ribbon she broke. Gift bags are a pain. LOL
Krista asked her to look at the camera more often! ::snort::
Love the little girls eating up Pastor Bre's big night. They'll all be fun at the wedding.
I believe this is the point where we asked Kathy if she'd included a cooking lesson in this big box of wonderful kitchen goodies...which Bre called thingies and thingamajigs as I tried to record gifts.
A broken ribbon!
Mom (Gma) bought BreAnne her last dolls for her doll collection -Belle and Prince Charming. LOL Evidently the mouth thing is genetic.
Love the expressions
Fun basket from Sherri (my sister in law). At this point I'm suggesting the little girls go with Arielle to make crafts which will be used at the Wedding reception. The rest of us would open the "inappropriate" gifts.
Arielle reports glitter is not a good idea with ten girls sugared up on tea treats. They were talking about why they were leaving the shower. One little gal, about nine, said, "They are going to give Miss Bre special pajammies to make the marriage better." I love it. Pretty good summary.
Oida has a sense of humor. She started us out right. Everyone was saying, "Show us, Bre." She insisted there was nothing in the box. I made her read the note, "Wear this on your wedding night. He'll love it."
Mom bought the infamous "Enjoy Coca Cola" boxers....BreAnne collects Coca Cola memorabilia
Another broken ribbon - I'm counting
Gaylene saved the ribbons and bows to make a rehearsal bouquet for BreAnne
BreAnne shares a few thoughts
BreAnne and one of her girls
Krista - rare moment of repose |
Kathy in the center |
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...