I thoroughly enjoy my mornings with the boys. As soon as I walked in today, Danny (ginger on the right) grabbed my hand and pulled me to their room. BUNK BEDS! What a great marketplace find! I didn't know they made low ones like this. The little boys can't reach the top and Benny loves having a place of his own.
I told the boys I am about to take down the Christmas cards and I need new artwork to hang above my windows. They got right to it. Coloring with the boys was the highlight of my day.
I left their house and drove to the other side of Wasilla to volunteer with our food co-op. Which - resulted in a yummy stir fry for dinner. We love Bachan's Japanese Barbecue sauce. If they sell it in your store, give it a try. Oh, yes, today is my birthday and I'm edging ever closer to middle age. ::snort::