The kids and I attended the 0830 service at Calvary Temple. It is always fun to be "home" and this week was no exception. My parents attend the 0830 service and we went out to breakfast with them and family friends - Jim and Jaimie- after service.
The kids and I went back to Mom and Dad's and visited while we waited for the girls to be done at their various churches - both serve as Children's Pastors. Krista met us at Mom and Dad's and we headed for Valley River Mall to meet BreZaak. We spent the afternoon window shopping and talking as we walked. We had dinner together. We parted ways after dinner.
The kids and I went back to the hotel to pack up. Krista came with us. We may have begun a new addiction to the Food Channel. Alas, we don't have cable or television and I can't find the season to see which cook ends up winning at All Star Academy. ::snort::
We went back to Mom and Dads, but they were gone. We visited with Lori and waited for them to come home so we could say good bye.
We left the hotel on Monday at 0530 to head back to CA. I drove to Yreka and Arielle drove the second half of the trip home. I got the passes in the dark, rain and fog. She got the two lane "hwy" with semis and tractors. We laughed heartily at Samantha (Michael's GPS) which continued to tell us to watch for steep declines and sharp curves as we drove through the rather flat and predictable farmland of Northern California.
The highlight of our trip was stopping for breakfast in Yreka at Black Bear's Dinner. Again.
An incident which broke my heart - I thought Arielle and I were sharing a moment of connection over deep worship - only to realize SHE was singing made up words about the song which was driving her crazy. So much for KLove. We will miss her when she moves out in June. Stacia continues to voice her determination not to leave home as soon as SHE turns 18 - she plans to live with us "forever." ::wink::
We were surprised Michael was home when we arrived. He was on quarters for much of last week and was home sick.