Monday, November 25, 2013

Family Circle

Today, the girls, Grandma and I took our lives in our hands and ventured out to Walmart. It was very good to have a team to conquer the crowds and the list. ::wink:: 

We spent the rest of the day  playing games, visiting, napping, walking..... a restful day. 

We finished discussing "I am the Light of the World," tonight (John 8:12).  We focused on "...whoever follows me will not walk in darkness...." We'll break from the "I am sayings of Jesus" until after Advent.  

We wanted to be sure the kids understood that yes...we ARE to walk in the light....but sometimes we will still sin...and one sin doesn't mean you are no longer walking in the means you need to follow closer....I saw an illustration I knew would work well for our younger ones. 

This is me....walking in the darkness....doing some good things under the blanket...but still under the darkness. 

The kids are walking in the light....but the spots represent sin....and they are collecting some.  We talked through I John 1:5-9. 

Stacia illustrates a person covered with spots....and we talked about how we need to agree with God that our actions are sin...and he will forgive us and cleanse us. "This is sin...." and the spots went away. 
Sort of reminds me of the Monkey dance
 Michael then walked around as Jesus and I stayed close to him - imitating him  - following him.....and then I jumped away to find a sin....because when we are imitating Jesus we will not sin. 

Michael loves his new camera. ::grin:: Soon the new bouncy flash will be here.....and my new camera.....

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...