Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dip Netting 2019 - Fish Camp Day 3

We were on the beach at 6 a.m. and we didn't come home until 9 p.m.  That about says it all. LOL
Heading for the beach 

The guys insisted we would be home at 9:30 a.m. and then go out again in the afternoon - but when the time came...the fish were hitting....they didn't want to lose their spot by coming off the beach....and so...we stayed.

Josiah, Cory, Alex, Michael, Stacia, Izaak 

This was our rainiest day

In the midst of the day - Jamin arrived. I drove back to the campsite, picked him up, got lunch things for the crew and headed back. Jamin was only able to fish for a few hours - but it was fun to have him drop in.  I drove him back to camp and then hit the beach again.
It rained the whole time Jamin fished. 

Benny is a great fisherman. He went out with CoRielle and he also stayed on the beach with me and Stacia.  When I walked with him up and down the beach people knew him and greeted him with, "Hi, Benny!"  He's a social person this one.
Cory and Benny come to talk with Arielle as she fishes

Precious times together on the beach 
Michael got tired and sent Stacia back in. 

Stacia builds a sand castle and Benny makes a new friend

There was an emergency order saying we couldn't keep kings on the Kenai River during the time we were there. We saw several netted - and released. Cory got one. I took the photo through a ziploc bag - but it's a photo. It was fighting hard and Cory had to get to a spot where he could help it get free from the net. It did. 
Cory's King
The fish began to hit fast and hard....and within no time we knew it was time to break and count. We realized we had a couple of hours of work ahead to lug the coolers up the beach, ferry everyone to camp, have dinner and clean fish. 

We had just decided to go back to camp when Krista called to say she, Nate (my brother) and Dad had arrived. She got dinner going while we lugged things back up the beach.
Stacia and Alex....

That's a heavy cooler when it's loaded with salmon

It was nice to have dinner waiting when we got home....and then we had to clean 97 salmon. LOL

Nate - my youngest brother

 Nate and Krista were happy to jump in and help with the cleaning. Here we are at 10:42 p.m. 
Nate, Krista, Izaak

I was never so thankful for my shower - at midnight. Tomorrow, we will finish off those who still have fish to catch and then it's off to another spot.

Day 3 Fish Count
Personal Day Count - 97 Total Fish 
Alex - 17
Arielle - 7
Cory - 18
Cy - 19
De'Etta -
Izaak - 15
Michael - 11
Stacia - 10

Cumulative Counts 
Personal Count
Alex - 27
Arielle - 8
Cory - 25
Cy - 31
De'Etta -0
Izaak - 17
Michael - 17
Stacia - 10

Group Total 136
Our Household Total 64