We've worked hard and long to plan a fall rally, Bible study sessions, find a retreat location, advertise our program, teach Bible studies, love on our ladies and each other, make announcement slide shows....
Friday night we pulled aside to simply enjoy being with each other.
We met at Jennifer's for our "My Favorite Thing" party. Everyone brought their favorite food item and a favorite item between $5 -7. We started the evening by writing our favorite thing about each other on individual cards. We each had a packet of attaboys to take home with us. I may frame mine for those hard days. LOL Each pink/white card has a members name and "my favorite thing about x is...."
We enjoyed dinner.
Jennifer put each of our names in a cup as we arrived. We moved on to sharing the story behind each of our favorite items and then she drew a name to give that gift to.
I thought the best part was the conversation, the stories and the LAUGHTER - ah the laughter.
The biggest blessing of the evening is simply knowing each other a tad bit better. I didn't plan on making strong connections here....we won't be here long...but I've come to love these women - and many others not on the leadership team. The fun and laughter of this night will carry us through another couple of months of service...... It's a joy to work alongside women such as these. I'm going to miss working alongside them when we retire.
Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...