Allie and I ran across to Wasilla and got the oil in her car changed this morning. We had thought we could drop it off, go do Bible study, and pick the car back up. But it was one of the "get in line and stay in your car places." It's o.k. Allie is working so many hours this summer we haven't connected as much as I'd like to. It was fun to steal those moments away in her car. After study - I was wiped out and took a nap.
The girls took Millie and headed out for a bit of fun in the wind and sun. This was a training run for Millie. Stacia wants her to learn how to be well-mannered when I have to take her places. Allie sat in the back with her and trained, while Stacia drove.
I want to title this "cuteness overload" but I'm afraid the girls would not like that title. LOL Two girls and a boy...nah...Hmmm...