There used to be a local Friday morning Gather Bible study. We no longer have a study in this time period. We now have one evening study. When the change was made, I decided to be intentional about making Friday mornings available for "coffee" dates, one on one relational building. It feeds my spirit. NOW - I've often switched Friday to Tuesday or had two or three dates in a week - but I found time in the schedule to connect. This was needed.
Last night I was offered the opportunity to take a quiz to determine my natural rhythm of renewal (Rebekah Lyons book). I was promised the discovery of my most natural rhythm of, restore, connect, or create. I read the list and knew connect is my natural rhythm. I have enjoyed this year of having ONE local study and extra time for personal connection. More than "enjoying" it, it has fed my soul and kept burn out at bay. Connection feeds my soul as much as rest, but I've learned rest has other important benefits so I make time for it too....I have this book on my shelf to read and am interested in hearing her thoughts about resting, renewal, connecting and creating.
Today, I connected at Crema and then ran errands. Somewhere along the way I realized I'd not had breakfast or lunch.
I made this revelation while picking up a few groceries and getting a "loan" of meds for Dad as the pharmacy continues to unwind the maze of referrals.
Michael texted and asked if I would like a Southwest salad. WHAT? I love the McDonald's Southwest salad. I do. Alex had suggested they stop and pick one up for me after Michael and he finished their study. Look at God and my men taking care of me.
I pulled into the driveway right behind them and was happily eating a fresh salad (without cheese) within minutes.
The boys stopped over. We had a nice visit. We ate pizza. They took Cody home.
I didn't take a single photo that would go well with this blog post. I did take THIS photo....a new batch of kombucha bottled, another batch getting started. I suppose this new hobby/skill was born of connection. Sandy, whom I connect with, is the one who started me with a scoby and answers my relentless maybe this is a good photo for this post afterall. ::snort::