- School - discovered we needed "glitter paint" for one of those craft projects
- Stood in for Misawa's Titus 2 at a local PWOC board meeting
- Enjoyed meeting with two gals to finish a study on 2 Peter
- Tried to find glitter paint at Arts and Crafts - ended up buying glitter and glue
- Worked on a bit of PWOC Regional ministry stuff
- Michael worked real late. ::snort::
- Fielded crazy emails from TMO saying we had 3 hours to claim Jared's household goods in TX or be charged for storage - it arrived about 2:30 a.m. in Japan and by the time I read it they'd put his stuff in storage. I am quite confident the four G men are going to set them straight.
- School
- Drafted some local documents for a PWOC president
- Worked on a chapel project for the handsomest chaplain on staff
- Spent quite a bit more time on Regional ministry projects
- Made a gallon of pizza sauce and homemade pizzas for dinner (to include a vegan pizza)
- Watched Minesota Cuke with the kids....
- Michael got home at 7:30 p.m. I think that is early. ::snort::
- Not sure though I know Michael has to run in for a bit in the a.m. to catch someone
- Play, housework, ministry work....what will it be? We shall see.
Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...