I caught a sunrise this a.m. as I dropped Alex at work....it was over by the time I got out to walk...but I saw it. LOL
We have had four or five GLORIOUS, sunny, warm days....and then this a.m. looked gray and overcast. We expected rain all day - we finally got our downpour around 3 p.m.
We've had several busy gardening, project days....I was happy for an excuse to stay inside and apply ice and heat to various sore muscles - mostly my shoulder.
This is how we enjoyed our rainy day.
GG - read the paper, drank coffee and made phone calls.
Michael had an appointment with the chiropractor. He discovered the VA has just cancelled all the approvals for their members....good grief. He has Parkinsons and degenerative discs, this is helping with stiffness and pain. He began the fight to get his appointments reinstated. Michael also made a hospital visit.
I wrapped in a blanket and read a mystery, while sipping cups of chai. Perfection.
Nolan had the day OFF and made as much progress as possible on his last 2 classes of this semester.
Alex worked and rode home in the rain.
Allie spent some time on math and then laid low. She's been a bit under the weather off and on.
Stacia took Millie on a training run. She reports it went well and she was thrilled to be able to run even though Allie wasn't up to it. She also worked on a bit of summer school and baked cookies for youth group (leaded and sugar free).
Stacia, Michael and I headed to the church in the evening. When we got home we watched the new Loki episode.
...but it all started by catching the sunrise this morning....set the day on a good course.
Walking Totals: 1.8 miles today. 464.67 mi YTD/ 1000 mile goal