I have fallen down on my granna responsibilities....I bet you're all dying to know about Baby D.
Here is Bre and Baby at 17 weeks - the baby is the size of a "turnip" or so the website I found says.
Cutest turnip I've seen in a long bit |
One more week went by and here is Baby D and Bre at 18 weeks - now the size of a Sweet Potato.
Looking beautiful! |
We have all had such fun with the photos and the texts and the new veggies each week. We love this little one and are so happy God has blessed BreZaak. But the excitement was even more heightened than normal this week. THIS week BreZaak and Dakota headed to the doc for an ultrasound....we all hoped Little D would cooperate and maybe...just maybe reveal a gender.
Bre posted this photo the day before the ultrasound. I love the added "votes" from her neighbor's boy... Is it Mommy's Little Monkey or Daddy's Little Girl?
Thursday - we waited....and waited...and then the call and photos came....isn't this the sweetest little mouth????
Can you tell? |
Everything was perfect! A beautiful little blessing....and yes...they could determine the gender.
Izaak reveals - a BABY GIRL |
Yes, a baby girl! We are all so excited. Well - Arielle and Stacia were always sure she'd be a girl. I tried to be the voice of reason - but I hoped. A baby girl! Our heart's are full.