We did it! We managed to get our monthly shopping done! Our last trip was Dec 11th. We spent $584 picking things up locally in January - but that's IT. Today we spent $750. I THINK this is saving us money. I'll probably average out the total spending between Dec-Feb to see for sure. December was high, but we had company and a couple of total family dinners, with several other hospitality events at the house and I canned 3 gal of spaghetti sauce which will be eaten over the next 6 months or so.....January was really low. I think our truth will lie in February and March.
It only took us 2 hours today from the time we pulled into the parking lot, to the time we left the parking lot. MUCH quicker than the 5 hour trip in December.
Via Google Photos |
We discovered the 3% tax in Wasilla apply to FOOD! Every other state we've lived in food was exempt. We were just assuming the tax had been on our non-food items. We may make another price comparison trip to the commissary. The service fee there is 5%, plus the bag tip....and the gas....but if we are doing a once a month trip....maybe. We shall see. When we checked it out it was far cheaper for us to shop at Walmart or even Fred Myers than the commissary.....but we didn't factor in the tax.
In other news....we put away groceries. ::snort:: I did a bit more reading up for tonight's study. We started our study of 1 John locally (as well as Bible Babes, the online study group I co-lead). It's snowing again. Snow is beautiful.
I enjoyed quite a few
polos today.....Krista's made me smile. She's in the middle of a building project where she works at
Providence Veteran's Farm. She's also rocking a black boot.
She fell while on a church work project...and broke her ankle. This puts her out of PT training for 6 weeks - which is a bummer - her goal of scoring 100% was in reach. It's unlikely now as she won't be able to train hard for a few months. AND she and Maria are moving into a house this month, and gaining two new roommates. Please pray for all of them. This is a frustrating time for Krista to be laid up....it's also her last semester at Liberty!!!!