We slept in this a.m.
We had another person show up trying to serve the past occupants of our home.
The highlight of the day was springing Yuuki from the Doggie
I don't know that I'd ever seen her so happy to see Michael and me. She jumped, she danced, her tail wagged like a wild whirlybird.....
She repeated the scene when she saw our house and then the kids. They had her on a special sensitive stomach diet and said she didn't throw up once....so we bought some and will see if this helps her "issues."
This afternoon we went to see Plane. We picked up our mail box keys and the mail that had collected while we were gone. Lots of wall decals. ::snort::
We discovered Winco - and I experience quite a bit of culture shock. I've decided not to say more until I can process it a bit better. I was not appreciative of the attention one or two of our daughters garnered. I smiled big when Stacia broke into chorus' of "Jesus Loves Me" as we walked through the gauntlet. ::snort::
We've enjoyed having Bre with us today.
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...