I stayed home from PWOC today as I needed a down day to focus on school....but it didn't work out that way.
I agreed to run Arielle to the DMV (which IS school) - only to find she has to finish a driver's ed before she can get a permit. I went back in again to ask how she was supposed to do the driving portion of driver's ed without a permit? This was an honest question as everywhere I've driven you don't drive in driver's ed without the permit. I was told she needed a pink slip from "the school" - you can see where THIS went. They saw our Driver's Ed curriculum but want a certificate - so we'll deal with this and go back.
We headed to Lowes as we were out....and Michael was with us. We heard from Jared that his appointment with the cardiologist was delayed due to an emergency.
What can it be? Microwave or Toaster oven?
Yep - this was my biggest decision at this point of the day. Inside is a wrap with humus, orzo, rice, garlic, shredded carrots, pepper and nutritional yeast...yum.
Look what came in a huge UPS box - Yuuki's science diet
About this time we heard from Jared. The doctor shared the most recent test has shown the blood flow to his heart is restricted; when he works out it's nearly non-existent. This is not good. They are doing a heart catheterization on Friday. If that is all that is needed, he'll be up and in class by Monday. They may need to put a stint in if it is congenital and do the balloon treatment if they find plaque in his arteries. Either of those will probably lead to a bit longer recovery time. They plan to find out what is restricting the blood flow. He said something has narrowed the arteries....either congenital or plaque. May I say how happy I am that Jared requested a stress test - which seems to have led to him being assigned a new cardiologist? He has a much better rapport with this doctor. This cardiologist says it's not normal for a 19 yo to have his symptoms and they need to explore...so they did. Praise Jesus. I find it hard to believe he'd have plaque - we do not eat the Standard American Diet around our home, he works out, he's not overweight, his labs are normal....congenital I can see....he's had light headedness and pounding headaches when working out hard for years. We've seen docs several times and been told, "Buck up - that's sports" and that his blood pressure was fine. The freak injuries he got at the start of every season the last few years may well have been the hand of a gracious God making sure he was where he could get treatment before passing out on a field. Or maybe he's been sneaking big macs, fries and shakes on us....we'll soon know.
This call led to lots of mayhem. I have a one way ticket to TX.....we tried to figure out how to get the kids there with me - but it won't work. Josiah and Shelby have offered me lodging. Margie, a friend in San Angelo, has offered me the use of her van. I will fly out of Sacramento early tomorrow and arrive in TX late tomorrow night.
Packing is not my thing. I loved Stacia's observation as she helped me pack tonight, "I'm not familiar with your style of packing."
Arielle cooked dinner tonight. I'm lining her out with dinner ideas and lesson plans. Well.....o.k. this is what I lined her up with....I called things out to her and she made note of them on the board.
Look what Michael made for me! He'll make two more to put on the wall in the middle.....this is in our butler pantry. It's shaping up.
Which reminds me I should go pack some tea....To think Toaster Ovens were my big focus earlier today....so much to be thankful for.....flight connections, transportation and lodging, a doc who kept looking, being able to be with the boys on Friday, a home that feels like home (yes, it happened)....it's good, really good....and God will continue to watch over my Gherkins. I know He will.
A dear friend has pointed out how God watched over them when I was stuck in Tokyo and they were experiencing a giant quake and such.....He's still watching over us. Yes, He is.
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...