I took Alex to work at 0445.
I expected to spend an hour or two on morning routines and then get a 5 - 6 mile walk in. INSTEAD I received a call from Alex who was coming home from work.
Alex has been battling an ear ache. We'd thought it was wax and been working on it over the weekend. He felt good on Sunday. By Sunday night he couldn't sleep. This morning he told me it "sorta" hurt. I took him to the ER and discovered that "sorta" is an 8 on the 0-10 scale. Now I know. LOL It turns out his ear drum had ruptured Sunday and so it felt better...but as it healed, the infection continued to build pressure and we're on our way to another rupture. He's been home sleeping most the day - and I'm pushing meds, meds, meds.
Stacia gave Millie a bath and she was not happy about it. The whole thing exhausted her. Look how big she is getting. She is 10 weeks old tomorrow...she's loving. NO HAIR...and she loves to cuddle. I'm not sure how we're going to cuddle as she continues to grow. She did not bite me ONE TIME today. It may be because I discovered she HATES Gold Bond Foot Powder spray and so I sprayed...my ankles, feet, calves, knees, hands....
Such a helpful doggo. It appears there is food residue on the drawer front?
I can't remember what happened the second time I went out to walk - but something came up. I decided it was ok. My last two walks have been interrupted by more aggressive moose than I like.
Stacia was hoping for a bike ride. I joined her...and thought I was having a heart attack...these hills around here are killers!
I got home and started to work in the garden. It began to rain. I snapped some flower photos....and picked some red leaf lettuce, butterball lettuce, kale, spinach for dinner. I also picked some beets, onions and radishes. Yumm.
I checked out baby chick...sure wish more than 1 had hatched.
Oreo is some sort of cochin who does NOT look well at all. She's lost a ton of feathers. We assumed the older cabalistic hens were at it again...but now she's growing blue/teal feathers....
We are working to get ready for dip-netting - Fish Camp 2020. We are set to leave on Saturday. Unfortunately, Dad would rather not go. We totally understand and think it's probably best if he doesn't...He's been really tired and we're hoping after his procedure the end of this month he'll have a new lease on life. I'm not 100% at peace with his suggestion he stay home alone. In future years we can plan ahead and have a good plan in place for Dad - but for this year it looks like I may stay home with him. I'm working to get my heart and head and emotions to meet in one spot. LOL Y'all know we haven't made it out camping one single time yet....and Michael is concerned about losing his beach support...I also keep everyone fed...so we're working to execute a new plan. There will be other years to dip net.
I got dinner going and after dinner we took Dad for his 2nd sleep study. We billed it as "Grandpa's spa date," but I don't think he was buying it. ::snort::
I didn't get any miles in today. I didn't finish our bills. I didn't get Dad's bills paid...I DID take care of my people and that is more than enough for this day. I also got a bike ride in with Stacia - even if it was pitifully short because I was gasping for breath and my thighs were about to explode with the burn. LOL