Another perfect began with the moon as Stacia and I left the driveway....the time is coming when we won't see the moon for months. LOL
Our day continued as we discussed the gospel of John over fantastic omelets at Sunrise Grill.
Whilst we ate we couldn't HELP but HEAR the conversation of two gentlemen several tables away. The main speaker has written a book, or two, he wanted to share, he loudly condemned compromising churches (including several local churches by name), it became apparent which church he attends (and he doesn't think they've got it "right" either), he wasn't a fan of President Biden and didn't seem a fan of President Trump either, he used a racial slur that nearly sent Stacia from her seat to his face, but he left...before we said anything but certainly not before the whole place was given a false view of the Jesus we serve. It saddened us and led to introspection. Jesus help us be aware of the impression we give others of you. May we not misrepresent you. And as we've contemplated Pilate I've wondered if I would have the courage to stand up to an angry mob...I certainly need to work on my responses to situations like this...not sure what it all means at this point...but I do think it grieved the Holy Spirit for this to be the representation of Jesus that morning.
The waiter DID come over and say we were welcome to stay all day and study if we'd maybe they saw the contrast in how we approach our faith?
Arielle and the boys surprised us with a visit. I don't take the joy of having children close enough to stop by for granted! Millie actually was calm enough to stay in the same room with Benny.