Thursday, June 29, 2023

Brunch and Sunflowers

Allie and I headed to Sophia's for Bible study and discussions of the heart. I feel blessed we are able to continue to make this work with her college and work schedule. We went later than normal - and ran into their rush hour. It got rather crowded and noisy. She suggested we get into her car and find a quieter spot. A park was the perfect solution. 

Before we left the local artist of some of my favorite paintings came in. I hoped she was lowering prices again. She did. She also took one of my remaining favorites off the wall. I asked, "Are you taking the sunflowers home?" 

"Yes," she replied. 

"Ah, I was hoping you were marking it down too." 

She told me it was marked down to $75, and she'd let me have it for $50. Quick calculations told me I had enough to buy it.  Which I did. 

She told me she'd write the new price on the card, and I could take it to the front to pay. 

She hadn't previously marked it down to $75. The last written price was $170...which was still too much for me. We were both happy with the deal and I have a new bright, piece of cheery artwork to brighten our main room in the basement. A piece of summer to enjoy year-round. 

Sequential Chicken Vortex

 While Bre and I enjoyed our tea and scones Michael got stuck in the middle of a sequential vortex created by our girls - of the hen variety.  We purchased 12 chicks in April. It's time to move them out of the garage.  It seems straightforward....but when we do that we split the chicken yard in 1/2. We put up a temporary fence from the corner of the coop to the fence line. This will give them the ability to be outside and see each other - whilst being safe.  We have done this for two years. The fence is ready. It should be a simple job. HOWEVER, Michael insulated the main door last year. The girls have been pecking at the insulation in the door. This means we can't leave this door open or they will make themselves ill. Michael set about making a chicken proof insulated door. 

 He did this under the very watchful eyes of the girls. 

These gals were in the brooder on my hearth, they transitioned to a giant box in the garage and today they will move OUTSIDE to the big world. It's always fun to watch the chicks come alive when they move outside. 

The big girls know to run to wherever they see a person...FOOD.  This is helpful if we need to get them OUT OF OUR WAY. We throw food where they need them to be. They LOVE to peck the nail polish off my toes. I am not so happy with this tendency. The blue line shows where the fence is dividing the yard. 

Michael turned Dash's hutch into a coop for the new will be a nice place for broody, or sick, hens too. 

I went out to throw some scratch to everyone. I want the new ones to get used to people being a good thing. It was odd to me that only ONE ran for the scratch...

while the rest huddled on the other end of their yard. And then I noticed signs that Pietro had been near the one. Yep, one ot the big girls decided to jump the fence and join the little girls. I helped her get out and the others were happy to search for treats. 

Within a week or two, if they are like previous groups, we'll be able to take the fence down and they'll rather painlessly integrate into the existing flock. 

Cathy, a local friend who has chickens, shared she adds a different color to her flock each year so she can easily tell how old the girls are getting. That would have been a wise way to build a flock.  BUT, I like variety and have bought 2 - 3 types each year. At this point we have one gal who is five years old. Most of them are one - two years old.