Anyone who knows me would guess I'd love the décor and atmosphere. The wait was a pleasant 7 minutes.....
Stacia was impressed they have the same glasses as we do at home.
To be honest, I think the service and food is better at Awful Annie's....but we did like the local feel at Kim's.....and the biscuits were AMAZING....They were happy to make something special up for a vegan....and that made me happy. They were friendly - just busy. We'll try it again at a different time.
Back at home Michael was busy with sermon prep. The kids decided to set up lights. I did help a "bit," but Arielle and Nolan were the troopers on this project. I did some ministry organizing I needed to do and updated the blog.
Stacia and Zander did the little candles.....they used 1/3 of the candles but they're done |
And then we plugged them all in and nothing happened! Turns out all our planning so there would be ONE CORD and one plug in - um....well Michael came out of his cave to tell us that it was too much something-or-other on one line.....
Nolan went up on the ladder to rearrange things.....
Then Michael joined the fun
We didn't finish. It got dark. Arielle had to babysit. Stacia and I drove around neighborhoods between here and there. But we've got more lights up than 90% of our neighborhood. CA just doesn't do Christmas like MT, AK, or TX did.
Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...