Thursday, July 25, 2013

Getting Acquainted with Beale

We’ve been occupying ourselves doing laundry, organizing the trailer, taking care of “move in” things for the house and acquainting ourselves with the base and local cities.

Good sport - helped me shuttle laundry back and forth

We’ve learned the GPS sometimes gets creative in the routes it advises. At least the instructions are in English. 
Others have obviously come this way.

In our wanderings we’ve seen lizards, ANTS (lots and lots of little sugar ants), pigeons, owls, rabbits, deer, frogs, turkey and hawks and beautiful sunsets.

This photo could work for "culture shock" too....the sign before the light said, "One lane bridge" and/or "narrow bridge." Shoot - this is a highway by Tohoku standards. We are use to smaller than this being two way.

Fam Camp 

I had to convince Stacia and Zander this was NOT swimming water. I had planned to take them to the base pool, but without a car and with the heat....walking was out of the question.

We enjoyed the AC in the Fam Camp lounge when the heat went into triple digits and our AC went on the blink in the trailer. Imagine living in a can of spam in the desert and you pretty much have the idea.

Ah, indulgence without sticker shock!

Driving to the Housing Area...can you imagine how pretty the rolling hills will be when they turn green? 

Michael's office is in the Foothill Chapel in the housing area

We enjoyed dinner with a couple of chapel staff families. I enjoyed the time to visit with Barbara and Valerie and look forward to getting to know both (and many others) in our time at Beale.

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...