0330 comes very early. When I booked Jamin's flight, I was thinking it was early enough Micahel would just take him up. He's a NIGHT owl....but he had a sleep study...so early this a.m. all stumbled out of bed to tell Jamin goodbye. Nolan came with Jamin and me and we headed for the airport.
Mom and Dad left while we were gone.
Nolan and I had a bit of an adventure! I took I5 NORTH home from the airport...everywhere we go we head north to get home...but um..I should have headed SOUTH to get to 99 and then NORTH... it's final - I'll never be totally confident on the way home from the Sacramento Airport. ::snort::
This was an adventure as it was DARK and I was quite low on gas. The phone wouldn't pull up maps (it's SLOW) and so I pulled over and parked. We waited. Nolan suggested I lock the doors - which I did. We found a new town with a gas station and then headed home in time to catch Jared and Larissa and say goodbye to them too....that makes FIVE leaving today. For the first time since 1 Aug there are just the five of us at home again - and it feels empty in this big house. I'm reminding myself, to "live fully present," and that the five of us are "enough."
Jared and Larissa were here for 16 days and we enjoyed every minute of it. We love Jared muchly - but we greatly enjoyed getting to know Larissa better. They'll be separated soon as he goes to DC..prayers appreciated for both of them.
Photo take on Saturday. LOL
They're off! |
I always clean when the Gherkins leave...but really there isn't a lot left here to clean. ::snort:: I grabbed Stacia and we headed for Walmart. I'm not sure what we bought. We came home and baked cookies. I made some chicken stew/mush for Yuuki. Michael got home and we realized HE DIDN'T HAVE TO GO TO WORK!!!! We headed to base for a very important event (next post), to turn in keys, wash cars, return Cynthia's car, mail a package and visit with the Air Force's sweetest Sgt.
I put a roast and veggies in the pressure cooker - the guys are playing Cribbage and I'm catching up the blog. Why do I work so hard to keep the blog caught up? Because this is our Family PHOTO JOURNAL....I have kept "up" for 10 years...I'm working to get a couple of decades of photos in photo albums....I'm determined not to get behind on the electronic album. LOL
We'll probably play a few games and go to bed early....we've had early mornings twice in a row...