Our eventful summer caused me to ....evaluate...make changes....and one has been this simple commitment....I will
live mindful and not Mind Full....
floating around Facebook in a variety of spots |
I want to live fully present in each moment...and clear out the clutter which so often occupied my mind....yes, margin...but more. It's been a good change...and there is more to come, I'm sure. It's led to less time online, less time in group activities, more intentional mentoring, more one on one time with family and friends.... I joke that I've gotten in touch with my inner introvert. Michael assures me I'm still an extrovert. ::snort::
Today living mindful meant a deliberate choice to set aside the "to do" lists, attend the 0800 chapel service and then head out for
a picnic at Shipwreck Beach. Um....COLD RAIN...change of plans.... a WARM lunch at the club followed by bowling.
I wasn't totally blowing the mindful thing...I can't bowl due to weak wrists...I prefer to skip bowling and be able to write without pain....so....I was thrilled when the wifi worked!
Back at home...when the moving mania threatened to overcome....I made a conscious choice to live this day mindful....of family...of fleeting rainy Sunday afternoons in Misawa....and so it led to several hours at the onsen with the girls...followed by several hours playing LIFE as a family.....
THIS led to Michael and I thinking Dave Ramsey needs to create a game where smart financial choices are rewarded, where one can actually choose NOT to do stupid things most of society must do these days and to save...we were surprised to see some of the recent changes to the LIFE game and wish we'd saved our old game where we didn't land on "Share the Wealth" spots every other turn - which by the way - G Rules say you can IGNORE....give to charity, help out one in need - sure - share the wealth - um go make some yourself. In any event...I wonder if Dave Ramsey already HAS a game....
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...