What would cause us to be up at 11:45 p.m. cleaning the kitchen? This.
Early this morning we left the valley for Seward, AK. There are two types of fishing in Alaska. Sports fishing and Subsistence fishing. Dip netting and set netting are subsistence fishing. The amount of fish you can subsistence fish depends on the number of people in your family. As a family, we are allowed 65 salmon. Sports fishing does not count towards our subsistence limit. We will go dip netting in July and attempt to fill our freezer for the upcoming year.
However, we've heard the run is good in Seward and the limit was raised to 12 per person. We headed out. Some have noted Dad doesn't look too excited about this adventure. He WANTED to come. 😊He was given the option to stay home. Nolan was working and was home in the afternoon.
Three hours later, we arrived in Seward. I have NEVER found disinfectant in an outhouse. I was impressed. We were NOT impressed the price to park had gone from $5 to $10 per person in a week.
Before one can fish, it is wise to don waders. Stacia and I have poofy ones that make us look like sumo wrestlers. The guys and CoRielle have the neoprene type. I suspect they are warmer - they are certainly harder to get on!
Even grown up sisters sometimes need a little help from their sisters.
Dad had fun. He'll rest well tonight. |
Cory had the day off and we were glad they met us there.
Yes, I do some fishing; though I have never caught a fish. Mostly, I love being out in nature. The fishing spots are always gorgeous...and all is better if one has a good book and company (I had both today).
Alex caught the first fish.
This isn't the best photo of CoRielle, but I love Benny's face. He was happy to be on Daddy's back.
The eagles are majestic. There were many. Dad saw an eagle take a fish which was resting on the beach. He explained the mystery to the gal who came back looking for her fish.
Family caught fish.
Arielle caught a fish - and my camera wasn't working. It was hilarious. She fell to her knees. Cory was yelling, "Hold on!"
Amidst the cheering and yelling we heard her yell, "It's a shark. It'll bite me." ::snort::
Cory helped her land it and get back on her feet. We were all suitably impressed.
Dad has the distinction of catching a dead fish.
Michael - entertaining the tourists on the cruise ship
Cory has the distinction of catching the smallest fish.
Fish on!
Hauling a salmon out. The big splash is the salmon.
Michael caught 5. Alex caught 2. Cory caught 1. Arielle caught 1. Stacia and I got skunked. She is convinced it's because she was not wearing her, "Shut up and Fish" shirt.
It was quiet ride home....we left Seward around 7 p.m. Arrived home at 10 p.m. with gear to clean, and fish to fillet.
Sleeping with his head on the cooler - hope he was having fishy dreams |