Friday, September 30, 2016

Conquering "the" Tree

In the background you see two sections of what used to be a big, thick, evil Cork Elm tree. This thing put out sucker roots all over the yard...they grow fast and tall, their roots slide along the ground putting up new trees every 6 - 12 inches. Mom has wanted this down for quite a bit of time. She planned to have the "yard man" come take it down. there was concern it would land where it shouldn't. We've been taking a section at a time down. Today, Josiah joined the party. 

They cut - Stacia and I usually drag brush to the burn pile or wood to the upper garage. These two split and stacked wood. 

Maiden of the Brush 

Campfire hospitality - some of the best there is. 

Crissey Field ~ Brookings Harbor #WYFF

It was a bit overcast but we set our sights for Brookings Harbor and the ocean today. We discovered Crissey Field State Park. This is a great beach and visitor center. We collected info on future hikes and trails - in the OR redwoods.  I may eventually make a video - but for now - the photos! 

This spot felt sacred to me. It's on the way down to the beach. When one steps inside it's like being in an outdoor cathedral. 

TONS of driftwood on this beach.  Stacia and I had fun exploring the different sizes and shapes. 

Several structures too.....

Stacia, Alex, Nolan, Michael and Josiah 
Another tiny home....

We left Crissey Field and traveled in to Brookings proper. There is a small, hole-in-the-wall Chinese place we like to frequent. I can't even remember it's name, but we stopped for lunch.

Our next stop was the Whale's Tail. Mom G had mentioned wanting peppermint taffy a bit ago. I was surprised not to find a taffy store in Crescent City....but we found the real deal in Brookings.  We headed to the city campground/harbor. Fishermen.....

It's become a tradition to sit on the jetty and enjoy a treat of some sort. Yes, I did pick up some fudge for the event. LOL 

#WYFF (Where's Your Feet Friday) is a hashtag sponsored by Fulltime Families. Click the tab below the blog header to read more of our entries.